Tummy Tuck (Abdomen Lifting Surgery – Abdominoplasty)
Tummy Tuck (abdominal lifting surgery) is an aesthetic method that provides the tightening of abdominal muscles by taking the excess skin along with the fat tissue in the middle and lower abdomen especially in women and it has become so popular in recent years. Abdominal prolapse problem usually occurs as a result of pregnancy, rapid and excessive weight gain and develops due to deformation of the skin and muscles.
How is Tummy Tuck Performed?
Tummy Tuck is performed at different levels depending on the degree and amount of prolapse in the skin. When you are examined by your physician for the operation, firstly, your general health status, the rate of fat and its distribution in the abdomen and surrounding areas, prolapse and excesses and skin quality are determined. During examination, you should inform your doctor about your illnesses you had and your current illnesses, habits (smoking, drinking, etc.) and medications you use. Abdominal lifting surgery which is important for the prevention of health problems as well as for aesthetic purposes, is the operation process of the removal of excess fat and excess skin. In some cases, loosened and separated abdominal and waist muscles may need to be repaired in such operations. The correction provides a flatter and more tight abdominal appearance. The operation process which general anesthesia method is preferred is usually carried out in a hospital environment for 2-4 hours. The operation is performed with a cut between 8-10 cm in the abdominal region. A thin tube called “drain” is placed under the skin after almost every abdominal stretching. The aim of placing a drain is to prevent the accumulation of blood and body fluid under the skin at an early level after surgery. The device is easily removed by your doctor. After the operation, the patient will be dressed in the appropriate corset. Also after surgery, 1 or 2 pillows are placed behind the knees to ensure that the legs are bent in order to reduce the tightness in the abdomen.
Advantages of Tummy Tuck
First of all, it gives the chance to solve all the problems caused by labour, rapid weight loss after yo-yo weighting, aging, prolapse in the abdominal region, that can not be solved with doing sports and dieting. With the operation, a new skin structure is formed instead of the disrupted tissue. As a result of abdominal lifting surgery, all internal abdominal muscles are lifted and deformation disappears, which are the most important features of the operation process. A beautiful posture and slimmer look is ensured with more lifted and better shaped abdomen.
Recovery Process
Mini Tummy Tuck
(Mini Abdomen Lifting Surgery – Mini Abdominoplasty)
Mini Tummy Tuck is a laser-based painless operation without any incision application. It is performed under local or general anesthesia. After the anesthesia is applied to the patient, the fat in the abdomen and waist is melted and removed out. After this laser application, if the patient has an umbilical hernia, then 1-2 cm wide incision is made around the umbilical hole and the hernia is taken out. As the next step, the laser is used in the lifting mode in this region to remove wrinkles in the abdominal region.
The common reason for women and men who want to have Mini Tummy Tuck operation is that they have prolapse in the abdominal region regarding diet or lack of exercise. In addition, many women who give birth experience prolapse in the abdominal region because of the loosen muscles during labour. At the same time, prolapse due to aging can also be removed by Mini Tummy Tuck operation.
The Operation
Prior to Mini Tummy Tuck operation, patients need to be examined by their doctors and the necessary tests are done. The doctor will examine the abdomen where the surgery will be performed and then prepares the operation plan. Patients who smoke or have a continuous medication should always tell about their situation to their doctor. If the patient smokes, then s/he should stop smoking 4 week before the surgery, and if using medication, then it should be used by the doctor’s supervision.
The duration of the Mini Tummy Tuck operation may change regarding the patient’s condition and it takes approximately 1 or 2 hours. The incision that the doctor makes in Mini Tummy Tuck operation is quite small and will not leave any scar after the operation. Patients may experience slight pain after this surgery. Painkiller and antibiotic treatment is started against infections and pains that may occur. Depending on the condition in the operation, patients can either go home and rest on the same day or may be hospitalized for 2 -3 days. Patients who have this operation may return to normal life after about 2 or 3 weeks.